Saturday, August 1, 2015

Over the (Blue) Moon!

Last night I capture this image of the Blue Moon. I was very lucky, because I was on my way home and saw it just starting to come up over the corn. I grabbed the telephoto lens and snapped a few shots until I got it right. Later, I shared it on facebook on a news page. Today, they posted it to their page. it has since received 12,000 like and over 1,300 shares!!!! The compliments have been amazing and heartwarming.

Monday, June 29, 2015

Gwennie in the mud

This was all my sister Mallory's idea to have her daughter play in the mud after our rain yesterday. I love how these turned out. Gwen loved playing in the puddle so much she didnt want to go in and get a bath.

Saturday, June 27, 2015

Bodie's Surprise Bonfire

For Bodie's 13th birthday, we decided to throw him a surprise bonfire. We invited his baseball teammates, and most of them were able to make it. Tye also invited a few of his friends. We had a glow in the dark theme with lots of glow sticks, necklaces, and toys. They played a round of touch football first, raced a neighbor's go kart around, then ate. That was followed by Blitzball, and even later Glowball. All the kids had glow necklaces on in the dark so you could see where they were. And they basically played baseball with a glow in the dark ball. It was pretty amazing to watch. Bodie got lots of cash, which he plans to use for buying a new baseball glove.

Tuesday, May 26, 2015


She delivered a healthy baby boy today. I am so happy for her growing family!

Monday, May 11, 2015

The Kelling Girls

I cannot believe these are girls are growing so fast. I have photographed each of them since birth and now they are already four and two. Time flies so quickly!

Sunday, May 3, 2015

Little Blake

He came to see me with his family just before Easter. He has such a full head of hair!