...and I'm looking forward to having my boys home all summer. If they can keep from bickering and at least attempt some chores, they might live through the break from school.
The last few weeks have been a blur. We have had year-end activities at school, some unexpected guests, a lot of baseball, and I even squeezed in a photoshoot or two.
Tye won 3rd at his school's track meet for long jump 3 weeks ago.

Then 2 weeks ago, just before Memorial Day weekend. I got a phone call from my dad asking if he told me he was going to be in town, which he didn't. They showed up 3 hours later and I had a great weekend with them. They were able to spend time with my grandma and take her to Iowa to see 2 of her 3 sisters. She seemed really happy about the visit. While they went to Iowa, I went to Paynesville to photograph Megan and Dan's wedding. She had one of the prettiest dresses I have ever seen.

Lisa nad I made cards most of the weekend. I'm lucky to have so many women in my life who like to craft! I just wish she lived closer, but maybe she will join us sometime for a crafting getaway. I was able to some shots before they left.
Grandma seemed happy to get out of the house and come visit from Rochester. I love her so much. She is a joy to sit and chat with. And we got a shot of the whole gang.

The following weekend, my sister Lorraine & friend Nicki suprised us all with a visit to MN. Tye and I were up at 5:30 am getting ready for a travelling baseball tournament in Wayzata when they came walking in the door. Tye was bareley dressed and thought someone was breaking in. He freaked out for a minute until he realized who it was. Nicki spent the weekend with her family for her brother's graduation, and Lorraine went to the tournament with us. Tye was so nervous for his first game.

My slugger did pretty well for himself...

And when he slid into home he was on cloud nine. I didn't think the smile would ever come off his face.

And right after dinner the boys had a water fight in Grandma's pond. I'm glad they get to experience the fun of their farm. I have such good memories of it as a child. I want the boys to get some of those experiences in before Grandma & Grandpa sell it (they are thinking about it next year).
Soaking wet and wrapped in blankets, we stopped to say hi to Nicki's family and check in on Penny. She was the puppy we found last summer. Boy! Has she grown! Here she is last June...
and now!
Bodie said they should change her name from Penny to Quarter because she is so big! She is very loved!
We spent this last weekend in Eagan for another tournament. It wouldn't have been so bad if it wasn't raing and drizzling the whole time. I'm hoping things dry out soon because we have baseball everynight and I have 2 photoshoots this week!